After going through the administrative selection stages, submitting a business plan, training and business monitoring, as well as mentoring related to marketing communication and brand activation, three MSMEs assisted by YDBA passed to the final judging stage in the Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA) UMKM Award 2023 which was held on October 14 2023 at Jakarta.
Based on the judging process, the Culinary MSMEs assisted by the YDBA Head Office achieved the following achievements:
1. Imago Raw Honey won 1st place in the General Category,
2. YDBA Tegal's Manufacturing UMKM, PT Bimuda Karya Teknik won 2nd place in the General Category,
3. Culinary MSMEs under the guidance of LPB Pama Bessai Berinta Bontang, PT Qisbelian Snack Indonesia won 2nd place in the Tourism Category.
Through this achievement, it is hoped that it can inspire other MSMEs to remain enthusiastic and take advantage of every lesson in the competition process.
Congratulations to the winners!
#GreatlyUKM #IMAUMKMAward2023