Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra
16 January 2024 Articles


Entrepreneur is a description of someone who has creative and innovative ideas to be able to build a successful business. The concept of an entrepreneur is a person who runs and develops his business in an innovative way. Entrepreneurs are not only people who run a business, but also bear the risks that may arise.

In the current era, many young people have become entrepreneurs. However, Great Friends can take majors that can support and provide knowledge that can help you to become a competent entrepreneur.
The following are several college majors that are suitable for studying entrepreneurship.

Economics (Economics)
Economics major is one of the best majors for entrepreneurs, because students will learn how the economy and markets work. Students will also know about microeconomics and macroeconomics. Studying an economics major will help Great Friends assess a market and help your business to make the best decisions.
Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship)
In the entrepreneurship major, Great Friends will be challenged and learn to be creative, critical and innovative. Various important things will be studied such as marketing, problem-solving, decision making, etc. in the entrepreneurship department.
Accounting (Accounting)
For MSME players, effective financial management will produce expected results such as return on business capital and profits. The success of a business not only depends on marketing, but also depends on planning and managing the budget, balancing the books, and revising financial strategies as necessary.
Computer Science (Computer Science)
The Computer Science major is one of the popular majors for new students today. Not only can you become a data scientist, Great Friends can also become an entrepreneur, especially for those who want to become tech entrepreneurs and build a tech startup. In this technological world, someone skilled in computer science can create a revolutionary business like new software that people never thought they needed, or build the next big IoT device that could change the way people live.
Communication Science (Communications)
Great Friends, the Communication Science major is one of the best majors regarding public relations and marketing. Especially for those studying marketing, the Communication Science major will introduce a business, such as how to attract people's attention, how to make attractive advertisements, and how you can make effective advertisements.


Apart from graduating from the best majors to learn to become a successful entrepreneur, you must also have a strong team and good skills. Being a leader is not just about leading, but also creating a good and positive work environment.


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