Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra
19 June 2024 Articles

Farmers' Contribution in Increasing National Food Security

The agricultural sector has become the backbone of the national economy since the pandemic. There are concerns about the emergence of a food crisis due to the implementation of restrictions on people's production activities, as well as restrictions on the distribution of goods between countries. As a result, food distribution between regions or regions and between countries is disrupted.

To achieve food security, the agricultural sector no longer uses old traditional methods, which are routine, based only on instinct, working alone, and using traditional tools.

One solution to increase food security is through modern agricultural mechanization to speed up land processing, planting and harvesting involving millennial farmers.

In general, the 2045 Golden Indonesia generation (including in the food agriculture sector) will be achieved through systematic and comprehensive human resource development which is characterized by:

1. Productive and innovative comprehensive intelligence.

2. Peaceful in social interactions and strong character.

3. It is healthy and healthy to interact with nature.

4. Superior civilization.

The following are some of the real contributions of farmers in increasing national food security.

1. Farmers produce various kinds of staple foods, such as rice, corn, rice, soybeans and vegetables. The contribution of farmers in food production is very crucial to meet the food needs of all Indonesian people.

2. Farmers play an important role in maintaining food price stability. When food supplies are abundant, food prices will tend to fall. Conversely, when food supply decreases, food prices will tend to rise.

3. Farmers are the main source of income for many people in rural areas. When the agricultural sector grows and develops, it will improve the welfare of rural communities and reduce poverty.

4. Farmers help maintain healthy soil and water, and reduce environmental pollution.

5. Overall, farmers contribute to national food security by having sufficient access to safe and nutritious food.

The government needs to support farmers with various policies and programs so that farmers can continue to increase their productivity and welfare. In this way, national food security can be achieved and everyone in Indonesia can have sufficient access to safe and nutritious food.





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