Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra
05 August 2024 Articles

Healthy Food Business Ideas

Awareness of the importance of consuming healthy foods is increasing in modern society. Healthy food businesses can be a means of maintaining the trend by providing food choices that are not only delicious but also provide real health benefits.

Here are some ideas that can be considered in a healthy food business.

Healthy Juice and Smoothie

Healthy fruit juice and smoothie businesses offer a variety of fruit and vegetable combinations that are rich in nutrients. In addition, this business idea is also included in a timeless business because anyone and anytime there are still many people who need nutritious fruit juice and smoothie intake.

Fruit Salad and Vegetable Salad

Fruit salad provides a choice of light and refreshing food that is suitable to be enjoyed on various occasions. Various choices of fruit can be combined into delicious and nutritious fruit salads, such as a mixture of oranges, apples, watermelons, grapes, mixed with processed yogurt and milk which makes the fruit salad even more delicious to enjoy. In addition to fruit salads, vegetable salads are also a popular healthy food choice and are a good healthy food business idea. In vegetable salads, Sahabat Hebat can add a mixture of chicken or various types of nuts that make the taste of the vegetable salad even more colorful.

Healthy Catering
Healthy catering business offers convenience for dieters in consuming nutritious and low-calorie foods. Usually, each menu in healthy catering contains information on calories and nutrition in the food. So, consumers can choose and consider the calorie intake needed.

Jamu is a traditional Indonesian drink made from natural ingredients such as spices and herbs that have health benefits.

Kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea produced by bacteria and yeast. The kombucha business idea offers drinks that are rich in probiotics and have the potential to improve digestive health.

Whole Grain
Whole grains are a source of complex carbohydrates that are rich in fiber and nutrients. Sahabat Hebat can also offer various whole grain products such as cereals, wheat germ, and other grains in practical and easy-to-serve packaging. This whole grain is usually served as a topping for ice cream or yogurt.

Sahabat Hebat can consider the healthy food business ideas above according to your interests and expertise to start a promising and timeless business.


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