Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra
13 August 2024 Press Release

Through #UMKMSiapBeraksi, Astra Encourages Banyuwangi MSMEs to Continue Innovating

The program, packaged in the form of stakeholder visits to MSMEs, is expected to introduce and describe MSMEs fostered by Astra through YDBA which have added value in running their businesses, especially through various innovations carried out by MSMEs.

This time YDBA held #UMKMSiapBeraksi in the Banyuwangi area. In this activity, Astra through YDBA not only introduced the MSME businesses that were fostered but also conveyed various progress results of the coaching and targets that MSMEs want to achieve in the future so that they can be a reference for collaboration programs that can be explored, both new collaborations and continued collaborations with stakeholders who attended the activity.

The #UMKMSiapBeraksi activity in Banyuwangi itself was attended by the Chairperson of the YDBA Management Rahmat Samulo and several stakeholders, including the Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives & SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia Arif Rahman Hakim, Head of the Cooperatives, Micro Enterprises and Trade Office of the Regency. Tegal Nanin Oktaviantie, Director of PT Nusa Tropical Indonesia (Nusa Fresh) Mohammad Iqbal and Branch Manager of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk East Java Region Willy Christ Richard.

In this activity, Rahmat Samulo encourages Astra's fostered MSMEs through YDBA to continue innovating. Samulo hopes that MSMEs can continue to show more achievements that are different from other MSMEs so that they can continue to develop, progress, and be independent. It is proven, currently dragon fruit farmers are collaborating with PT Oreng Osing which is a culinary MSME fostered by YDBA in producing processed products in the form of dragon fruit jam. Likewise, the Bengkel MSME continues to innovate, both in terms of process and marketing that optimizes social media intensively.

Meanwhile, Arif Rahman Hakim in this activity emphasized the importance of dragon fruit farmers in Banyuwangi to continue to improve processed products (downstream) and tidy up the organization of Farmer Groups (Poktan) until a cooperative is formed. "In addition, it is important to form a cooperative because by forming a cooperative, it will be easier for its members to access equipment at cheaper prices so they can process dragon fruit products," said Arif Rahman Hakim in his statement in Banyuwangi.

In this program, stakeholders have the opportunity to visit 5 MSMEs fostered by Astra through YDBA, both in the agricultural sector, R4 workshops and culinary. The five MSMEs are:

1. Sumartini, Head of the Sinar Cabe Dragon Fruit Farmer Group

Sumartini has been a farmer fostered by Astra through YDBA since 2021 who has successfully implemented a coaching program from conventional to organic, one of which is by optimizing waste into fertilizer for dragon fruit cultivation needs. Currently, Sumartini is developing the cultivation of a type of yellow dragon fruit which is known to be sweet and has a high market price. Sumartini is one of the dragon fruit farmers fostered by Astra through YDBA who consistently applies and shares her knowledge with other farmers in Sumbermulyo Village, Banyuwangi Regency. Sumartini has also succeeded in supplying her cultivation results to export markets, namely Singapore and Hong Kong in 2022 - 2023. Currently, Sumartini is not only focused on cultivating dragon fruit but also processing dragon fruit products, namely dragon fruit sales by collaborating with Astra's culinary MSMEs through YDBA, PT Oreng Osing.

2. Nanang, Head of the Tunas Sejahtera Dragon Fruit Farmer Group

Nanang is a 26-year-old young farmer who has been a member of Astra's fostering through YDBA since 2021. Currently, Nanang is trusted to lead the Tunas Sejahtera dragon fruit farmer group which has 70 members. In carrying out dragon fruit cultivation, Nanang himself not only focuses on cultivation for his business and his members, but Nanang also supports members regarding the distribution of cultivation results so that they are absorbed not only into the main market, but also into modern markets.

3. PT Oreng Osing

PT Oreng Osing is a culinary MSME fostered by Astra through YDBA who is committed to participating in this one-year coaching. PT Oreng Osing is a collaboration partner of the Dragon Fruit MSME in absorbing dragon fruit products as the basic ingredient for making sales. This MSME, which has 270 business partners in the form of souvenir centers in Indonesia, is a pilot MSME for the Culinary MSME development program in Banyuwangi. The types of products developed include bagiak cookies, dragon fruit sale, klemben cookies, and various typical Banyuwangi snack products. In expanding the market, PT Oreng Osing is also actively optimizing the marketplace platform to make it easier for the market to get Banyuwangi's superior culinary products.

4. Azzahra R4 Workshop

Azzahra R4 Workshop is an Independent YDBA R4 Workshop MSME in 2023. Its commitment to carrying out development by Astra through YDBA since 2020 has succeeded in bringing Azzahra to win an award as the Best Workshop that implements 5R (Ringkas, Neat, Clean, Maintain, Rajin) in its workshop. Azzahra Workshop is also a workshop registered as an administrator of the YDBA Fostered Workshop Association (HBBA) East Java & Bali. To improve service in its business, Azzahra Workshop also collaborates with PT Astra Otoparts Tbk in providing original spare parts that increase customer trust.

5. Kampoeng Auto R4 Workshop

Kampoeng Auto Workshop is a workshop fostered by Astra through YDBA since 2022 which is currently implementing workshop service standards based on coaching carried out by YDBA for the R4 workshop sector. Kampoeng Auto itself is an MSME workshop that is active in the Banyuwangi Car Workshop Association. To expand the market segment in its business, Kampoeng Auto optimizes social media to target customers. Evidently, thanks to its commitment to optimizing social media, 30% of its customers are those who know Kampoeng Auto from social media. Currently, Kampoeng Auto is also collaborating with PT Astra Otoparts Tbk in providing original spare parts so that customer trust in its workshop continues to increase.

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